Blanken Medisch Adviseurs provides medical advice for personal injury victims. Advice is given on the entire field of medicine. A personal file is created for each victim, which is carefully monitored administratively and where the rules for the privacy of the accident victims are guaranteed. Our employees are bound by the guidelines of the KNMG and the Order of Physicians in Flanders.
Our services
Victims and advocates
Assignments are accepted from victims’ advocacy groups and, in individual cases, from victims themselves. Doctor Blanken and his team do not accept orders from insurers.
Doctor Blanken assesses files in the context of legal liability, for example after traffic accidents or accidents at work. Dr. Blanken and his team also investigate and deal with cases of “medical” errors and occupational diseases.
What can we help you with?
Your accident
Doctor Blanken assesses files in the context of legal liability, for example after traffic accidents or accidents at work.
Incapacity for work
Blanken Medisch Adviseurs can assist you in the discussion with disability insurers where it is a problem with assigning or …
Medical Error
Assessing any culpable careless or incompetent medical action, a medical error, is difficult and often time-consuming.
Health insurance company
Many patients nowadays come into conflict with their health insurer about the reimbursement of their treatments.
Discover our offices!
Did you know that Blanken Medical Advisors has several offices spread across the Netherlands, Belgium and Curaçao? Discover our offices!
More than 28 years of experience!
Did you know that Blanken Medisch Adviseurs has been an established value in medical advice in the event of personal injury for more than 28 years?
Meet our team!
Blanken Medisch Adviseurs consists of an expert and experienced team that is happy to assist you. Meet our team!
Latest news!
Blanken Medisch Adviseurs regularly communicates about the latest developments, but also tips and tricks.