Blanken Medisch Adviseurs can assist you in the discussion with private disability insurers where there is a problem with granting or with the amount of a disability benefit. Blanken Medisch Adviseurs specializes in assisting doctors and paramedics with this problem.
Incapacity for work

The correct medical data?
In the context of disability assessments, Doctor Blanken has extensive knowledge and experience as a permanent expert at various district courts and the Central Appeals Board. It is important to assess whether the insurance doctor of the private occupational disability insurer has based on the correct medical data, has drawn up a correct load capacity pattern and then, in consultation with an employment expert, whether the assigned percentage of occupational disability has been correctly determined. In these types of files, one of the doctors at Blanken Medical Advisors will examine you and request additional tests if necessary.
As part of an objection or appeal procedure, Blanken Medisch Adviseurs prepares a report, in accordance with the guidelines of the NVMSR and LRGD, with which you or your representative can lodge an objection or appeal against the decision of the implementing institution or the private disability insurer.
Your privacy matters!
A personal file is created for each victim, which is carefully monitored administratively and where the rules for the privacy of the accident victims are guaranteed. Our employees are bound by the guidelines of the KNMG and the Order of Physicians in Flanders.

Cost estimate
The costs of our work may be eligible for reimbursement by your legal expenses insurance. If not, we will send you or your representative a quote for our work.